Malaysia Sets The Stage For Women Empowerment With 21st Soroptimist International Convention

Kuala Lumpur, 18 July 2019: Malaysia will be at the focus of the world, and its media, on 19-21 July 2019, when it becomes the first Asian country to host the Soroptimist International (SI) Convention at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.

Supported by Malaysia Convention & Exhibition Bureau (MyCEB), an agency under the Ministry of Tourism, Arts & Culture Malaysia (MOTAC), this three-day summit will be the organisation's 21st international convention that is held once every four years. Indeed, MyCEB has been involved in promoting Malaysia as the convention host country for this event way back in 2015 at the 20th SI Convention in Istanbul.

In a statement by the Chief Executive Officer of MyCEB, Datuk Zulkefli Haji Sharif, he noted that the SI convention is expected to contribute RM18.3 million in economic impact and will generate some RM9.0 million from visitor expenditure to the country. In view of such a significant impact, in 2015 MyCEB provided SI with a marketing support to assist in this event’s realisation. He added that besides the event, MyCEB and its partners already secured 75 international conventions, incentive groups and trade exhibitions with a total economic impact value of RM978.5 million. This augurs well with the Visit Malaysia 2020 forecast that business tourism will contribute RM3.9 billion in Gross National Income (GNI) to the country and create more than 16,000 additional employment opportunities in 2020.

SI, headquartered in Cambridge, UK, has nearly a century history as a global volunteer movement working together in 132 countries through a network of more than 3,000 clubs and over 80,000 club members to transform the lives of women and girls. SI arrived at the Malaysian shores in December 1991 when Soroptimist International Kuala Lumpur was chartered. Today, SI Region of Malaysia (SIROM) has 15 clubs and a highly regarded committee of chair persons.

The theme for the 21st convention, "Soroptimist Enable A Sustainable World: Global Connections ,Empowered Women.", is aimed at driving meaningful change amongst diverse stakeholders on a platform that demonstrates a continued commitment and engagement on issues ranging from water & food security, technology & innovation, violence, trafficking & exploitation, healthcare & lifetime wellness, youth social activism and climate action plan, which are aligned with the 17 UN Sustainable Goals (SDGs). Amongst the event objectives are to discuss the status of women and girls around the world, showcase and celebrate SI efforts in each federation, and provide a platform for women to embrace, create and prosper together with fresh ideas for empowering women.

The convention welcomes over 1,500 participants, with 70% (>1,050) from overseas. The official opening ceremony will be graced by Her Majesty The Queen, KDYMM Seri Paduka Baginda Raja Permaisuri Agung Tunku Hajah Azizah Aminah Maimunah Iskandariah Binti Al-Mahrum Al-Mutawakkil Alallah Sultan Iskandar Al-Haj. The three-day convention will be filled with talks, interactive workshops and theme gatherings featuring keynote and plenary speakers from the SI network. Participants will also have a chance to experience 'A Walk In The Rainforest' in a 'Meet & Green' CSR programme in the early morning of the 18th.

The hosting of the SI convention demonstrates and profiles Malaysia as a nation that places importance on empowering women and girls and promotes gender equality as it moves towards developed status. Once again it highlights Malaysia as a leading international business event destination amongst meeting and event planners.

For more information about 21st Soroptimist International Convention, visit
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